Morgana AutoCreaser:
The AutoCreaser, made in the UK by Morgana, provides the
complete solution to the problem of cracking that occurs when folding digitally
printed output. It is equally effective in dealing with conventionally printed
card, laminates or cross-grained stock.
Creasing versus Scoring.
Traditional rotary scoring machines use circular blades that are in constant
motion as the stock passes through them. This creates a ploughing action that
actually cuts through the top fibers of the paper or card in order to create a
score. Inevitably this weakens the paper and encourages cracking. In contrast,
the Morgana AutoCreaser Pro employs a unique creasing rule and matrix as
illustrated overleaf, that eliminates tearing and, therefore, cracking.
Kugler Auto Punches:
High speed paper punches to maximize order turn around.