SGM Awards
2018 Best of
Category 2018 Award of Excellence |
"Planet Word"
10.5x14" Perfect bound book with short sheets
centered in book. |
2017 Best of
Category 2017 Award of Excellence |
"Journey Toward A More Inclusive

Perfect bound book with oversized cover, tabs
and foldouts. |
2015 Award of
Excellence |
"Allen Harim"
Wire-O 4 panel calendar. |
2014 Award of
Excellence |
Of Columbia Emergency Procedures"

Wire-O with notch and Calendar Hanger. |

2013 Award of
Excellence |
Plasticoil Route-Trip Flip book. |

2012 Best of Category 2012 Award of
Excellence |
Wire-O stepped book with front cover wrap
around. |

2011 Award of
Excellence |
Perfect bound book with Eyelet Wheel attached to
front cover. |
2011 Award of
Excellence |
"Commemorative Program 2011"
Double Wire-O book with 2 books bound by common
back cover. |
2010 Award of Excellence |
"The Ladies Of Oxford"
Oversized Wire-O calendar with notch and hanging
hook. |
2007 Award of Excellence |
"The Grand"
Stitched, glued and wrap around match book
cover. |
2006 Award of Excellence
"National Geographic Channel
Wire-O calendar with perpetual day, month and
numbers. |
2006 Award of Excellence
"Proverbially Speaking - Blue"
Oversized Wire-O book with die cut inserts. |
2005 Award of Excellence |
"The Associated Capital
Perfect binding with tape on spine, center
gate-fold. |
2004 Award of Excellence |
"Progress Printing 2003 Calendar"
Oversized Wire-O calendar with notch and hanging
hook. |
2001 Award of Excellence 2001
Best of Category |
Wire-O binding with fold-in tabs that cover
entire sections. |
2000 Award of Excellence |
"Treasures of Golf"
Double Wire-O binding with 2 books bound with
common back cover. |