For best results when printing and pre-folding sigs for perfect or
mechanical binding please make sure sigs are: SGM
- Sigs should be folded uniform in size, unless otherwise
stated in quote.
- Sigs should be folded with perfs.
For maximum signature strength, final fold
perfs should allow air to blow out and yet not tear apart on gathering line. Test this by pulling on the outside
pages of sig. If the outside pages pull off, the perfs are either to close or to
large and will not collate automatically.
Have sig markers printed on spine fold. (See
pictures below)
Oblong mechanical bound books should always have the final fold on the long dimension unless
otherwise stated in quote. This allows all of our collators to pull the signature.
Have equal head/foot trims on folds. (This lets the
binder glue the center portion of the sig)
Sig size should be book size plus:
1/8" Grind off
1/8" Head trim
1/8" Foot trim
1/8" Face trim
Remember covers for perfect binding should have 1/8" head and foot traps
longer than the final folded sig size.
Please note sigs that are pre-folded with the wrong
perf or incorrectly may burst on our gathering lines. Up-charges will be
When folding a parallel 32 page sig please use 12
teeth perf knife (10mm blade, 6mm gap). Too fine of a perf will burst on
our binder. Additional charge may apply.
